
Reaching Out | Part I

IP6Z0JJDKRNever Go Alone

Jesus’s work in this world is nothing less than restoring every broken human life. As his disciples, he asks us to join him in this mission. He asks us to make this the most urgent thing in our lives — the first priority.

The question for most of us is, ‘How do we do it?’ How, practically speaking, do we partner with Christ in bringing his love to a hurting world? Jesus lays down a good example for us in Luke 10, when he sent his disciples out into the surrounding cities to share his message of joy, hope, and peace.

‘The Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them on ahead of him, two by two, into every town and place where he himself was about to go’. – Luke 10:1

This verse tells of a strategy that is close to Christ’s own heart. Jesus sent his disciples out in pairs; two by two.  

Never go alone.

Why not? When it comes to doing the work of Christ in this world, we need the support, encouragement, wisdom, ideas, and prayers of others. The greatest work of all is simply too big to undertake alone.  

In King Solomon’s words:

‘Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their work. For if one falls, the other will lift him up. Woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up’. – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Even God himself, our example, came as three persons to restore our lives:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each upholds the other. Each has an important role in restoration.

We must do the same. Never go alone.

Can we set down our pride for the glory of God and ask for help? Can we ask our friends for support? Can we ask our spouse for prayer? This is the single most important call God has put on our lives. We are called to show God’s unconditional love to our children, neighbors, co-workers, waiters, cashiers, and extended family. We cannot afford to ‘go it alone’. We cannot afford, as Ecclesiastes says, to ‘stumble without another to help us up’.

Today, we have an advantage that even the disciples didn’t have at their disposal. Their numbers were relatively few:  72 people. To achieve the greatest impact possible for the work of Jesus, they went out two-by-two, 36 pairs.

We have so many more — we have the church. At my home church alone there are 720 people called join the work of Jesus in the world. That’s 1,440 hands to touch illness and poverty, and 1,440 feet to carry Christ’s love to those who have never felt his peace.

We must encourage each other to go! Get up out of our seats and go!

We must humbly call out to our brothers and sisters for support, encouragement, and prayer. We need backup. We must support and uphold each other, encouraging each other in bringing the restorative work of Jesus to our world. We must walk the road side-by-side, praying for the broken, the strayed, and the lost.

Christ’s redeeming work hangs in the balance.

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