
Jonathan Edwards on the Religious Affections

Whenever I read the words below from Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards, I am deeply convicted, and reminded how easily I can be distracted from living fully for Jesus Christ. I want to give every moment of my life to him, who is magnificent and beautiful beyond comparison and deserving of far more than I could ever give him.

A passage which stands out for today:

‘How common it is among humans that their affections are much more exercised and engaged in other matters than in Christ himself! In matters which concern their worldly interest, their outward delights, their honor and reputation, and their natural relations, they have their desires eager, their appetites vehement, their love warm and affectionate, their zeal ardent; in these things their hearts are easily moved, deeply impressed, much concerned, and greatly engaged; much depressed with grief at worldly losses, and highly raised with joy at worldly successes and prosperity.

‘But how insensible and unmoved are most people about the great things of another world! How dull are their affections! How heavy and hard their hearts in these matters! Here their love is cold, their desires languid, their zeal low, and their gratitude small. How they can sit and hear of the infinite height, and depth, and length, and breadth of the love of God in Christ Jesus; of his giving his infinitely dear Son to be offered up a sacrifice for the sins of men, and of the unparalleled love of the innocent, holy Lamb of God manifested in his dying agonies, his bloody sweat, his loud and bitter cries and bleeding heart; and all this for enemies, to redeem them from deserved, eternal burning, and to bring them to unspeakable and everlasting joy and glory; and yet be cold, heavy, and insensible!

‘Where are the exercises of our affections proper, if not here? And what can be a fit occasion of their lively and vigorous exercise, if not this? Can anything be set in our view greater and more important? Anything more wonderful and surprising? Is there anything in heaven or earth so worthy to be the objects of our admiration and love, our earnest and longing desires, hope, rejoicing, and fervent zeal, as those things which are offered to us in the gospel of Jesus Christ?’

One response to “Jonathan Edwards on the Religious Affections

Well said. Please keep these blogs coming. Jonathan Edwards is my favorite theologian.

Edwards remains a theological beast. His thought soars to spiritual heights that I could only dream of. I’m challenged and convicted to give my all for the glory of Christ because Christ gave His all for my rescue. Oh what a glorious blessing to serve the risen King! May his name be glorified more and more in our churches, families, and throughout the world!

I wish you the best on your Global STINT speaking engagement!

Joshua Brooks Aug 14, 2014

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