
Speaking In Quebec This Weekend

Tim Savage speaking at conference in Quebec

Boucheville near Quebec, Canada

I’m speaking at a Christian leadership conference in Quebec this weekend. I’ll be addressing roughly 1,000 pastors and church workers there, with my first talk scheduled for this evening and talks continuing on Friday and Saturday.

The conference is known as SOLA 2013, and its focus is in French-speaking Canada. It’s being held in Boucherville, a suburb of Montreal. The organizers hope through the conference to deepen people’s understanding of the gospel and contribute to the development of churches increasingly centered on the gospel.

Al Mohler will also be speaking at the conference. More information can be found on the Sola Conference website.

I’ve said this before, but once again – please pray that I would preach in the power of the Holy Spirit, and that people would not see me but Jesus Christ alone.

En professant la vérité dans l’amour, nous grandirons à tout point de vue vers celui qui est le chef, Christ.

(Éphésiens 4:14-15)

One response to “Speaking In Quebec This Weekend

Yes, I did see the Lord Jesus, His compassion and acceptance. I can now grieve my Dad who passed away 24 years ago.

Steve Bene Oct 7, 2013

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